Submission of Plans
Two plans and a building application form must be submitted and a permit obtained before commencement of any earth and/or building works.
The minimum standard of plans shall be a front and side elevation, section and floor plan of a scale not less 1:100, a block or site plan not less 1:200 and two copies of specifications. All drawings must be done in ink.
Specifications shall describe materials to be used in the construction, the sizes thereof together with all other information not shown on the drawings, which is necessary to show that the building will, if constructed in accordance with the specifications, comply with the provisions of the Building Code. Further information to be suppled when required by the Building Surveyor can include:
- a list of the performance requirements applicable to that building which will be satisfied by a method other than that set out in the Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions of the Building code;
- details of assessment methods to be used to establish compliance with those listed requirements;
- details of any expert certificates relied on to establish compliance with those listed requirements, including the extent of the reliance and the qualifications of the expert;
- details of any tests or calculations used to establish compliance with those listed requirements; and
- details of any standard or other documents relied on to establish compliance with those listed requirements.
Any other details required by the building surveyor to establish compliance with the Building Code.
Plans to Show the Following Details
- Street names, lot numbers, title reference of the site and the north point clearly marked;
- The dimension, size and shape of the lot;
- The dimension and position of the proposed new building and of any existing buildings on the site;
- The relative levels at each corner of the dwelling - both natural ground level and proposed finished levels;
- A datum point at crown of carriageway (centre of road), preferably in line with the crossover;
- The proposed gradient of driveway, and a stormwater drainage plan;
- The location, extent and height of any retaining walls, together with Engineer’s details on the height, thickness, materials and method of construction. Where a retaining wall exceeds 900mm in height the consent of adjoining owner/s is required in writing;
- Full details of footing dimensions, construction and centres (if applicable) and foundations;
- The angle of slope of any earth bank together with details of any proposed method of protection, i.e. stone pitching or slabbing;
- The position of street trees power poles and any other obstruction, if any, between the site and the roadway.